Super Easy Premium Content Management

Protect Any Content In Your Site

Konnichiwa! comes with the easiest to use membership management interface.

Here is what Konnichiwa! does:

  • Manage unlimited number of subscription plans
  • Protect content by type or by category, all from one page
  • Protect each individual piece of content individually from the add/edit page in your administration
  • Supports custom content types
  • Supports Paypal and Stripe payments
  • Manage subscriptions and manually subscribe users
  • Auto-publish a sales page with all membership plans, or design the plans yourself and use the shortcodes only for the subscribe buttons
Konnichiwa! Screenshot

Download for Free!

Download Konnichiwa!


Quick Getting Started Guide

You'll Be Up and Running In 3 Minutes

Payment settings

Of course you can skip this if you plan to enter your subscriptions manually or programmatically.

Create subscription plan

Free "trial" plans are also supported.

Manage contents

You can do it by content type, globally, by category, or even for every piece of contents.

Use the shortcode or to auto-generate it or (better) design your page yourself and use the button shortcodes for each plan.

Now you have to create your premium content and start selling it :)

If you want to let us know how it goes, to provide feedback, or to request features, contact us.

Translating the Plugin

If you want to translate Konnichiwa! in your language you can use the .pot file available in the plugin root folder. The plugin textdomain is "konnichiwa" and the .po/.mo files should go to the languages/ folder.

Thanks to Thomas at we have a German translation available. Download it here: .po / .mo